Let data guide you in the new normal.


BACKED was created to help companies and individuals not only understand the ever-changing infectious disease climate but also the science behind it.

We give you the information you need to make tough decisions and navigate your environmental risks. We have the power to fundamentally change how people interact with the healthcare system.

We are built to empower people with data. We tackle the COVID-19 crisis on two levels -enterprise and mobile personal risk analysis.

BACKED technology superpowers your risk team. Don’t have one? Our team of world-renowned epidemiologists and data scientists are here.


We do the work so you don’t have to

Stop playing the guessing game with infectious diseases. It’s inefficient and dangerous for your teams and your bottom line.  How can you prepare for a future you know nothing about? This is where data comes in. The power of the BACKED Data Engine, a direct line to the latest in science is incomparable:

Balance Economic Realities with Health Concerns, Be Proactive Rather than Reactive and Prevent Crises, Forecast Outcomes and Power Your Productivity, Set Accurate Roadmaps and Strategize Your Work.

Make better decisions.

World Health Organization COVID-19 Infectious Period

Make informed decisions in a chaotic environment

Infectious diseases are volatile. When and how an infected individual can become immune is still unknown. From the CDC and FDA to local and federal governments, policies and guidelines are changing everyday. We stay informed for you and continuously reflect that in our guidance. We make complexity simple.

Your leading actors can’t wear masks but if they fall sick your entire production stalls. An infected kitchen staff could mean an infected waitstaff. Your guests need peace of mind in order to call your business home.

We are facing unprecedented times and your business deserves an unprecedented solution.


50+ Variables

Millions of Interactions

1000’s of Days

Act With Confidence. React With Confidence.

If you’re a large company across multiple states, you not only need to become an expert in different regulations you need to worry about the virus potentially spreading differently as the seasons change.

How do your choices affect the safety of your employees? We help you decide what makes sense for YOU.

Our models take into account uncertainty, over 50 variables, simulating millions of interactions, and track 10+ data points over 1000’s of days of simulation to give you the best case scenario. Gain the confidence of your employees.


Assess, Calibrate, Act

Prevent risk from being the main part of your business.